First Donor and Artistic Insights
The Fractal Museum had its first donor just hours after the campaign started here on Fundly.
So much thanks to Mark Mandel for donating $250 to the cause. You are awesome!
We originally had the goal set at our maximum stretch goal. We've now set it at $2100, at our first stretch goal, and from here we'll raise it whenever we're approaching the next one.
Today we sent out some artistic requests to some of our favorite artists and art lovers.
We are getting their input on the community art piece "The Great Blue Mandelbrot" by fractalist San Jaya Prime. This is an evolving organism that grows and adapts to those who reach it. This first round of insights will change according to what we hear back.
The one above is the suggested one, what we're moving towards, while the original post has many differences. You can find the original post here on Facebook.
You can be a part of this, also. Join us here on Fundly and donate today!
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