Second Donor and First Insights

Shouting out so much gratitude to our second donor for The Fractal Museum! Thank you Alaric Cole! To those who do not know him, I can offer only some simple facts, in that you will have never met someone who has such a big heart combined with the spirit of a bard and a poet. His adventures around the world have included real life pirates, desert gypsies, and with dreams of a tub filled with champagne at Burning Man. You are the best!

Also, we've received early feedback on The Great Blue Mandelbrot painting. This is a community painting that will be included as prints for many of our donors:

The Fractal Museum and the Heroes of the Future

The three main items we have been asking others to vote on are: whether there should or should not be a scroll; whether the grid should be bright and deep, or dim and shallow; and whether or not the colors should lean more towards deeper blues or towards aqua marines.

The results so far:
At 4 to 2, the scroll has been voted OUT.
At 4 to 2, the deep and bright grid has been voted IN.
At 4 to 2, the deeper blue colors have been voted IN.

The pattern looks surprising, especially because it was not always the same people agreeing and disagreeing on each one. There are still more votes coming in at this very moment.

We've got to shout out our inner council in thanks for lending us their insights into the art:

Again, more insights are still coming in, so we'll keep everyone updated.
